0.2.0 - Procedural generation, hotbar and more...

Hey everyone, it's Horizon the dev.
I'm excited to share the 0.2 update with you!
This update includes some new content and changes based on player feedback.



- Procedural Map Generation: We've implemented a new procedural map generation system to replace the plain grass background. It's still in the early stages, so if you encounter any issues, please report them.
- Hotbar: A new hotbar is now available at the bottom right of the screen. It displays your current unlocked items and their levels, along with item cooldowns, as suggested by players.
- Evolving Experience Bar: The experience bar will now change based on your current state.
- Healing Item: Slimes may now drop healing items, allowing players to heal themselves.
- New Upgrade Description: We've added new upgrade descriptions to make it clearer.


- Increased Immunity Frames: We've increased the immunity frames while dashing, following player requests.
- Dash Unlock: The dash ability is no longer unlocked by default.
- Tree Overlap Fix: Trees will no longer overlap with each other.

What's Next?

- Home Realm: We're planning to add an early version of the home realm. It will be a flying island where players can rest peacefully, buy permanent upgrades, interact with other characters, and learn more about the game's lore. This area will also serve as a hub for traveling between game levels.
- New Weapon: We're working on a powerful new weapon capable of annihilating a legion of slimes.
- Player Feedback: We'll continue to implement additional features and improvements based on player feedback.

Next weapon preview

Next new weapon preview

Early home realm sketch

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